Slam Theme of The Home

If we gave you the choice to live with your family or with complete strangers, we're guessing you'd choose the fam. No matter how screwed up they are, it's better than risking whatever's behind door number two. That's how Sam feels, too, in Slam. He wants to stay in his own home, with his mom and his Tony Hawk poster, the way things have always been. The only problem? He's a new dad and wants to be close to his baby. Home becomes a place Sam yearns for, but can't really get to anymore. He isn't really at home with his mom since Rufus isn't there, but he doesn't feel at home at Alicia's either.

Questions About The Home

  1. Why is Sam torn between homes? Where do you think he feels most at home? Why? Give evidence from the text to back your claim.
  2. How does Alicia's home differ from Sam's? How is it similar? Why are we shown both? What might the author be trying to tell us about homes?
  3. Sam claims that his parents getting divorced leaves his home open and susceptible to things. Do you agree? Why or why not?

Chew on This

Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.

Home is more about the people than the physical place. That's why Sam feels more at home with his mom than with the Burns.

As Sam is torn between his various homes, we can see the turmoil he is facing emotionally.