Sunrise Over Fallujah Gender Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

She screamed. She cried. She rocked back and forth. She moaned.

"With all the garbage that's going on… with all the disgusting garbage that's going on… How can they? How can they?" (13.133-134)

Miller was just rescued from being raped when she says this. She can't believe that hospital orderlies—tasked with helping the wounded—would choose to add to the horror.

Quote #8

"Then I ended up in juvenile court for shoplifting, and this black family took me in. Kept me out of juvy detention. I was with them for a little over a year. Giving them a hard time. They had a kid of their own with cerebral palsy and really wanted a companion for her. It was all good with them. At least I didn't have to fight her husband off. He was okay." (14.114)

Poor Marla. Her line about not having to fight a husband off gives us a peek at what her life was like as a foster kid, and might explain some of her toughness.

Quote #9

"Wherever you're going, we're not going with you," Marla said. "He specifically said "men."

"He thinks he's paying us a compliment by including us with the "men," Darcy said. (14.156)

Women serving alongside men is a relatively new thing in the U.S. army, and this book shows that some of the people in charge still don't really know how to address women. Clearly, calling them "men" is not the answer.