The Big Lebowski Rules and Order Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from The Big Lebowski.

Quote #4

MAUDE: However, I hardly wish to make my father's embezzlement a police matter.

Although she's much more privileged than The Dude, Maude doesn't trust the police, either. Maybe she thinks they'd only protect her father, who is a pillar of the community despite being a crook.

Quote #5

BIG LEBOWSKI: I have no choice but to tell these bums that they should do whatever is necessary to recover their money from you, Jeffrey Lebowski. And with Brandt as my witness, I will tell you this: any further harm visited upon Bunny will be visited tenfold upon your head.

After framing The Dude for the disappearance of the $1 million, the Big Lebowski tries to make everything go away by encouraging the kidnappers to seek "justice." What he doesn't know is that this is a stupid idea. Interesting how Big is willing to consort with criminals if it suits his own purposes.

Quote #6

WALTER: Saturday, Donny, is Shabbos, the Jewish day of rest. That means that I don't work, I don't drive a car, I don't f***ing ride in a car, I don't handle money, I don't turn on the oven, and I sure as s*** don't f***ing roll!

DONNY: Sheesh …

WALTER: Shomer Shabbos!

THE DUDE: Walter, how am I going to ...

WALTER: Shomer f***ing Shabbos.

"Shomer Shabbos" means a keeper of the Sabbath. Obviously, Walter's religious rules are at least as strict as his others. Being an Orthodox Jew could have a lot of appeal for someone like Walter, who is into rules and order. Just about all aspects of Orthodox Jewish life are guided by a pretty complex set of religious rules. Bonus: it gives Walter many more opportunities to get totally pissed off at everyone.