The Revenger's Tragedy Act 1, Scene 4 Summary

  • This scene introduces a new character, Antonio, who is the husband of the woman the Duchess's son raped. In this scene the audience gets another shock: Antonio is grieving because his wife has taken her own life. Antonio shows Hippolito and a lord named Piero the scene of her death.
  • Antonio tells Hippolito and Piero the story of what happened. During a masked court celebration at night, when there was a great deal of noise and activity to cover his action, the Duchess's youngest son assaulted Antonio's wife. Even though the rape was in no way her fault, Antonio's wife felt ashamed and tragically took poison.
  • Hippolito and Piero ask what judgment the court has given against the Duchess's son. Antonio replies that judgment was deferred—he is convinced (accurately) that judgment is being delayed because the offender is related to the Duchess.
  • Hippolito is outraged. He draws his sword and asks the others to swear that if the court does not pass judgment on the Duchess's son, then the three of them (Antonio, Hippolito, and Piero) will join in killing him.
  • Piero says that Antonio's wife should have a rich funeral, since her name deserves so much honor; then he encourages Antonio to seek revenge.