The Revenger's Tragedy Act 4, Scene 3 Summary

  • Spurio and the Duchess seem to be having a great time. They come in arm and arm, expressing affection. Spurio does tell the Duchess not to hold his arm for fear they'll be suspected (of incest and adultery), but the Duchess asks if she can't give her favors where she wants, and Spurio says she may. They leave.
  • They'd probably be less happy if they knew that the Duchess's son Supervacuo was running up behind them with a rapier, ready to attack. His brother Ambitioso stops him, and they talk about the situation. Supervacuo wants to do something about it, probably to kill Spurio, though the text doesn't say for sure. Ambitioso doesn't disagree, but he says there's a better time.
  • They keep talking about the terrible shame the situation is bringing on the family: Not only is their mother sleeping around behind her husband's back, she's also doing it with her husband's stepson, who already carries the shame of being illegitimate (which in the time period equals major embarrassment).
  • After a little casual misogyny, they decide to follow and try to stop the Duchess and Spurio.