Fear Quotes in The Scorpio Races

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

[Dove] could've died. (16.5)

It isn't her own life being in danger that instills fear of the races in Puck, it's the fear that she'll lose her pony and best friend, Dove.

Quote #5

I remember the story we're told as soon as we become teens, of the two teen lovers who met illicitly on the beach, only to be dragged into the waves by a waiting water horse. (21.9)

This story was drawn up by the adults to strike fear into the hearts of the hormone-addled children… as if simply growing up on an island where it seems every child's parents have been devoured by horses isn't enough.

Quote #6

I would like to be terrifying. I glower at [Sean]. (23.39)

Puck tries to scare Sean a bit, but someone who has seen men get eaten alive in the ocean probably won't be scared by a mere hard stare.