Fear Quotes in The Scorpio Races

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Look! Look there! A head!" And despite ourselves, we all look. The water shifts.


I know I should be terrified of tonight and of tomorrow and of the next day, and I am, but I can feel something else, too: excitement. (28.43, 28.60)

Sean has a hard time distinguishing between fear and excitement. The adrenaline rush that comes with certain death motivates him more than it cautions him to stay away.

Quote #8

Sean said, "I want to know who's afraid of the water. I want to know who can track straight. I want to know who will tear Corr apart as soon as overtake him. I want to know how can't hold their horses." (32.23)

Remember when Sean's dad died and Sean believed it was because of fear? Sean tries to scope out the same fear in other racers, hoping to use it to his advantage and overtake them to win the race.

Quote #9

My body warns me of the danger of this capall uisce beneath me, but at the same time it screams that it's alive, alive, alive. (47.30)

Now Puck is feeling the same adrenaline rush that keeps Sean going. There must be something about being that close to certain death that is exhilarating.