Religion Quotes in The Scorpio Races

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"I believe in the same thing they believe in [...] I just don't believe you can find it in a building." (33.7)

Sean and George Holly have a brief religious discussion, and we get a glimpse of Sean's beliefs. He believes God takes different forms and you don't have to spend a couple of hours in a stuffy church every week to see it.

Quote #5

"I can feel God out here." (33.66)

Seems George Holly isn't the type to see God in a church either, but to see God in nature: in the cliffs, in the sea, in the island. Do you think he sees God in the sea horses who tear his friend's faces off?

Quote #6

Now I definitely need to go to confession because I've not only thought dark things about my brother, I've thought them while in Mass. It is slightly uncomfortable to know that if I die in the next few hours, I'll go to hell. (34.4)

Puck carries around a heaping helping of Catholic guilt with her. Religion never seems to have any sort of positive effects for Puck; it only causes her anxiety.