Religion Quotes in The Scorpio Races

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"You're the one who says that God works through us. Maybe he wanted me to stay there and keep holding it." (44.8)

Here is the closest Puck comes to a crisis of faith: Walking away from the man called Prince, and having him die. We're not sure if this is more the result of her religious guilt or because she's the type to take responsibility for anything and everything because she's head of her own household. What do you think?

Quote #8

Gabe had decided when he was fifteen that he was going to be a priest. (44.25)

This is a strange throw-away fact. How does it affect your perspective on Gabe's character? Sounds like he's the type to abandon things frequently: God, his family… What's next?

Quote #9

He absolves me. I feel absolved. (44.32)

Puck practically begs Father Mooneyham to give her penance for her sins. If she's looking for absolution in name only, did she really feel that bad to begin with?