Things Not Seen Chapter 12 Summary

A Friend

  • As expected, when Bobby gets home the phone is ringing and his mom is absolutely frantic. He tells her not to worry and that he just had to go outside.
  • His mom tells him that she should be home the next day at around noon, and to stay safe until then.
  • Later, after he takes a bath and settles down in front of the television, the phone rings. He assumes it's his mom or dad, but when he picks up, he's pleasantly surprised—it's Alicia.
  • They talk about how he's invisible, and she tells him that she thinks it's brave of him to wander out into the world even when he's dealing with this bizarre condition.
  • He tells her that he's definitely going to try to go see her tomorrow, but he doesn't know for sure since his mom is coming home and all.
  • The phone rings again after he hangs up, and he picks it up thinking it will be Alicia, but it's his dad, and he asks who this Alicia person is.
  • Bobby just tells him that she is a friend. Because that's the truth—they may have just met, but Alicia is definitely his friend.