Things Not Seen Lies and Deceit Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Aunt Ethel. I have to hand it to Mom. Even in an emergency room she knows how to put a good story together. It must be from reading all those novels. Aunt Ethel is real, but having her be my baby-sitter? That's pure fiction. Aunt Ethel lives in Miami. (5.35)

You've got to hand it to Mrs. Phillips—she sure does tell a credible lie. Even when she's doped up in the hospital, she manages to come up with a story to tell the authorities when they ask who is taking care of Bobby at home.

Quote #2

Mrs. Trent doesn't get a good look at Aunt Ethel for three reasons. First, the collar on the pink robe is turned up; second, there's a bath towel wrapped around her head; and third, the real Aunt Ethel is about twelve hundred miles southeast of here. (8.21)

Now that Bobby's mom has come up with the Aunt Ethel story, it looks like the whole family's got to be in on it. Bobby even manages to dress up as Aunt Ethel to fool the neighbors. It's like something out of a Robin Williams movie.

Quote #3

But now I'm mad too, because she has no right to yell at me. I haven't done anything wrong. I haven't lied to her. And I'm not going to. I'm not a creep, and I won't let her think that about me for the rest of her life. (11.34)

Well, here's the moment of truth. Bobby doesn't want to lie to Alicia and tell her that he's just walking around naked for the thrill of it, so he needs her to know the truth. He's not a weirdo, he's just invisible. That's better… right?