Things Not Seen Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

I mean, it's not like I'm some psycho loner or anything. I've got friends, kids I eat lunch with, stuff like that. (1.77)

Maybe Bobby's not the coolest kid in school, but he's not a loner either. So when he finds that he's invisible, he doesn't necessarily feel relief—instead he just feels worried that he'll never be able to go to school or talk to people again.

Quote #2

"You want some cocoa? They have good cocoa at Starbucks. Really, you need to warm up. Here, put your left hand on my cane out there in front of mine, and you can just walk in with me. Everyone gets out of my way. Let's go." (11.66)

You've got to hand it to Alicia… she really is a caring soul. Instead of standing there and gaping over the news she's just heard, she immediately starts to worry about how cold Bobby is, since he's standing around naked and all.

Quote #3

I'm thinking about what I just said about Alicia. About how she's a friend. And about how it's true.

Because, already, that's what Alicia is. She's a friend. (12.69-70)

Bobby may have just met Alicia, but he just felt like he could trust her with his biggest secret ever. That makes her a friend—a true, close friend—even if they haven't known each other for more than a few days.