Things Not Seen Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Mom is looking at the door too, leaning forward as I start to leave. "And Bobby?"


"Thanks for coming."

"Sure thing, Mom. Bye." (6.75-78)

So what if Bobby and his mom don't get along all the time? At the end of the day, they still love and need each other, and that's what matters. He'll even sneak into a hospital naked to see her when she's injured. That's real love.

Quote #2

I'd like to go help her out of the cab, but I can't, so the driver holds her arm and helps her up the front steps. I don't like seeing her move so stiffly, like an old person. I open the door for her, and when it's shut, we hug. And I'm actually glad to see her. (13.1)

When the person you love is in pain, you feel like you're in pain, too. Bobby wants to help his mom out more than anything, but he can't, and that makes him feel helpless.

Quote #3

Dad continues. "They'd take you to a hospital or a research facility, and God knows how we'd ever get you back. And I'm not going to let them break up our family." (16.49)

Even though Bobby's dad may seem to care more about science than emotions sometimes, he is still fiercely protective of his family and refuses to let anyone touch his son. He loves him too much to let him go.