Touching Spirit Bear Chapter 2 Summary

  • On the boat, Cole checks through his boxes of supplies, which include canned food, outdoor clothing and shoes, and even homework, which makes him laugh. He has no intention of doing schoolwork during his time on the island.
  • Edwin has built Cole a simple wood shelter, but Cole isn't exactly grateful. Instead he feels like this whole thing is a joke, and that he just has to get through it so that he doesn't go to jail.
  • When they finally reach the island, Garvey and Edwin unload the supplies while Cole remains handcuffed. He offers to help, but they ignore him.
  • Then Edwin tells him that while he's here, no one will babysit him. He'll have to learn how to provide for himself off of the land, as well as figure out how to keep himself warm and sheltered. He'll be on his own. Like, completely.
  • Cole is unfazed and tells Edwin he's not scared of dying and can take care of himself, thank you very much. Edwin's not buying it, though, and tells him that if death looks at him, he will be afraid. Then he warns him that there are other creatures on the island—like bears—that he'll have to watch out for.
  • Edwin tells him that he needs to learn patience, gentleness, strength, and honesty from other animals. To Cole, this just sounds like a load of hooey. Edwin also talks about a special bear called Spirit Bear, who is pure white and almost magical.
  • Cole boasts that if he sees this Spirit Bear, he'll kill it, and Edwin warns him that what he does to the animals will also happen to him. Cole decides that the old man is completely off his rocker.
  • Garvey holds out something to Cole—a heavy wool blanket with images of a totem pole. He says that it's an at.óow, a blanket that is inherited through Tlingit families. He says that he is giving it to Cole for now and makes the boy promise to take care of it.
  • Instead of feeling touched or grateful, Cole gets angry. He hates it when people butt in on his business or try to help him; he doesn't need anyone else.
  • Edwin and Garvey turn to walk back to the boat and get on it. Soon, they are far away and Cole can no longer see them.
  • He thinks back to all those Circle Justice meetings and how he had to convince the elders he was sincere about wanting to change. He certainly acted the part back then.
  • After the boat is gone, Cole suddenly feels trapped on the island—he hates the feeling of being left all alone.
  • He doesn't know what to do with all this anger inside of him, so he goes to the shelter and sets it on fire. He doesn't even care that Edwin spent all that time building it for him…or that it's the only shelter he has. He watches it burn to the ground.