Touching Spirit Bear Isolation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Cole thought back to all the people at home who had tried to help him over the years. He hated their fake concern. They didn't really care what happened to him. They were gutless—he could see it in their eyes. They were afraid, glad to be rid of him. They pretended to help only because they didn't know what else to do. (1.14)

Cole really doesn't trust that people like him or really want to help him. He's convinced people are only nice to him because they're scared of his unpredictable violent behavior—otherwise, they'd just ignore him.

Quote #2

Finally his parents quit trying to visit. Even Nathaniel Blackwood quit stopping by except when hearings and depositions required his presence. Cole didn't like the lawyer. Blackwood was a stiff man and spoke artificially, as if he were addressing an audience through a microphone. (1.30)

With the way that Cole's parents treat him, it's no wonder he doesn't believe anyone cares about him. Even his very own parents stop visiting him when he's arrested…even though he's their only child. Ouch.

Quote #3

Cole felt a sudden rush of anger and jerked away. Why did everybody always have to touch him? He didn't need anyone's help. What he needed was for the world to butt out. "Aren't you guys ever leaving?" he snapped. (2.41)

Edwin and Garvey are the first people who are truly nice to Cole, but instead of appreciating it, he pushes them away. It totally weirds him out that they're invested in his well-being.