Touching Spirit Bear Criminality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Agreeing to spend a whole year alone in Southeast Alaska had been his only way of avoiding a jail cell in Minneapolis. (1.1)

Cole isn't going through with Circle Justice because he actually believes in its mission. He's just trying to game the system and avoid serious jail time since he knows he won't get off the hook this time around.

Quote #2

He had no intention of ever honoring the contract he agreed to during the Circle Justice meetings. As soon as they left him alone, this silly game would end. Circle Justice was a bunch of bull. They were crazy if they thought he was going to spend a whole year of his life like some animal, trapped on a remote Alaskan island. (1.17)

Despite the fact that Cole's been feigning regret for beating Peter up, he doesn't feel bad at all. Instead, he's planning his next criminal act—escaping the island and leaving behind his tangled life for once and for all.

Quote #3

"If you kill my cat, normally the police fine you and that's it. We still hate each other, I still feel bad about my cat, and you're angry because you have to pay a fine. In Circle Justice, you sign a healing contract. You might agree to help me pick out a new kitten and care for it as part of the sentencing." (1.39)

Garvey tries to explain to Cole why Circle Justice is more focused on healing and change than the normal criminal justice system, but Cole still doesn't understand how it's supposed to work. He doesn't actually believe something like this can change him.