Touching Spirit Bear Violence Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

With salt air biting at his face, he turned and glanced at Edwin. The elder eyed him back with a dull stare. Anger welled up inside Cole. He hated that stupid stare. Pretending to aim toward the waves, he spit so the wind would catch the thick saliva and carry it back. (1.11)

Edwin and Garvey are here to help Cole, but all he wants to do is hurt them. He can't attack Edwin, though, so he does something equally disrespectful instead: He spits at him and pretends that it's an accident.

Quote #2

Cole jumped on him again and started smashing his head against the sidewalk. It took six other students to finally pull him away. By then, Peter was cowering on the blood-smeared sidewalk, sobbing. Cole laughed and spit at him even as he was held back. Nobody crossed Cole Matthews and got away with it. (1.21)

Cole isn't being punished for some small infraction—he's definitely a dangerous kid. The way that he attacked Peter Driscal was violent enough that he's looking at some serious jail time…

Quote #3

"Peter, would you like to tell us what you think would make things better again?"

Peter bit at his lip before speaking in a struggling, slurred voice. "I think someone should smash Cole's head against a sidewalk so he knows how it feels." (6.20-21)

In hurting Peter so much, Cole has set in motion another cycle of violence. Now Peter Driscal—who previously lived a normal life—is filled with anger and the desire for bloody revenge.