Touching Spirit Bear Perseverance Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Cole couldn't figure Garvey out. He knew the probation officer was super busy, so why did he visit so often? What was his angle? Everybody had an angle—something they wanted. Until Cole could figure out what Garvey wanted, he resented the visits—he didn't need a friend or a babysitter. (1.32)

Garvey's stubbornness and determination to stick with his client freaks Cole out. He has no idea why the probation officer is so committed to making sure that Cole is reformed. Is this guy obsessed?

Quote #2

Cole grunted angrily—he didn't want to die yet. Yes, someday that would be a part of his circle. Someday he would lie in his own waste and be eaten by maggots. But not now! Suddenly, in that moment, Cole made a simple decision.

He wanted to live. (10.16-17)

Things are looking pretty grim for Cole. He's torn to shreds, starving, and lying out in the cold rain. Nonetheless, he's determined to carry on, even though it's not going to be easy. He's not going to die here on this island.

Quote #3

"You two are the only ones who ever cared about me," he blurted. "It's not like I don't appreciate what you're doing. But I screwed everything up. I'm going to jail—can't you see that? Why don't you just leave me alone now and quit wasting your time?" (15.56)

Cole just doesn't get why Edwin and Garvey try so hard with him. He feels like a lost cause—so why do these two men believe in him so much? Why do they want to help him?