Touching Spirit Bear Guilt and Blame Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"You'll wear them inside out for the first two weeks of your banishment to show humility and shame," Edwin said, his voice hard as stone. Then he turned and shuffled up the dock toward his old rusty pickup. (1.6)

Cole won't take responsibility for his actions, so Edwin and Garvey force him to do so. If he won't feel guilty or bad about beating up Peter, they'll make him wear his clothes inside out in order to show his shame and humility.

Quote #2

Cole figured he wouldn't even be here if Peter Driscal had known how to fight back. Instead, Peter was hospitalized. Doctors' reports warned he might suffer permanent damage. "Serves him right," Cole mumbled when he was first told of Peter's condition. (1.24)

Even being confronted with Peter Driscal's horrible injuries—and the fact that he might have permanent damage—doesn't make Cole feel guilty or responsible. Instead, he blames the whole thing on Peter for antagonizing him in the first place.

Quote #3

"I don't care if he forgives me."

Garvey rubbed the back of his neck, then glanced up toward the ceiling. "How come everything is always about you? This forgiveness isn't for you. Until Peter forgives you, he won't heal." 3.60-61)

The thing about accepting what he's done and seeking forgiveness from Peter is that it won't just benefit Cole—it's actually a way to help Peter heal, too. He also has to move on from this terrible incident.