Where Things Come Back Isolation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Cullen, no matter what ya'll do, I'll always be all alone. A dead husband, a dead son. Then there's me. Ole Julia"—she began to get louder—"the queen of Sherwood Drive!" (15.54) 

Poor Aunt Julia. There really is very little that Cullen and his family can offer her. She's had the people who she loves most in the world snatched from her, and now she just has to keep living with the pain. 

Quote #8

"She's at his house again," I said to him.

"Damn," he said.

"That guy's more appealing in a wheelchair than I am able-bodied. How sad is that?" (17.3-5) 

It's pretty cold of Ada Taylor to ditch out on Cullen without a word when he's dealing with the worst summer of his life. Maybe she wasn't the girl of his dreams after all; it was all just a fantasy. 

Quote #9

Lucas Cader walked quickly out the front door and my dad turned the television off, stood up, and left me in the middle of the living room. I dragged my feet all the way back to my bedroom and threw myself face-first onto my bed… And I screamed just loud enough for the sound to be muffled, as if it hadn't existed at all. (17.59) 

Lucas has been right there with Cullen this whole time: sleeping on his floor, going through all the unpleasant situations (like the psychic fiasco), and even making sure that Cullen still has fun. He doesn't deserve to be pushed away like this, but maybe Cullen just feels like he's so undeserving of all this love.