Because of Winn-Dixie Courage Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"What do you think about this tree?"
I said, "I don't know. Why are all those bottles on it?"
"To keep the ghosts away," Gloria said.
"What ghosts?"
"The ghosts of all the things I done wrong." (14.18-22)

Gloria not only admits her mistakes but stares them in the face and scares them off with her Mistake Tree. Bam. That's real courage.

Quote #8

"Littmus W. Block figured the world was a sorry affair and that it had enough ugly things in it and what he was going to do was concentrate on putting something sweet in it." (17.1)

Littmus experienced hunger, fear, fatigue, loss, and lots and lots of ugliness. He could have become a bitter and mean, but he didn't. He faced the ugly head-on and fought it down with a spoonful of sugar. His candy may not have made chalk drawings come to life, but it did make pain bearable. And Shmoop thinks that's supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.

Quote #9

Otis followed me all the way into the backyard, where the party was. (22.1)

Otis has left his "safe" place. We repeat: Otis has left his safe place. And we think that takes a lot more courage than facing a wimpy little dragon with a sword and shield.