Because of Winn-Dixie Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I wondered what in the world Amanda Wilkinson had to feel sad about. She wasn't new to town. She had a mama and a daddy. I had seen her with them in church. (17.21)

This just goes to show Opal's obsession (and can you blame her?) with family. In her mind, if someone has parents, they have the whole enchilada. With guacamole on the side, even! How could someone be sad when they had family? What Opal doesn't know is that Amanda's family is incomplete, too. She's missing a brother.

Quote #8

"Carson was her brother. He drowned last year."

"He's dead?"

"Yes," said the preacher. "His family is still suffering a great deal." (18.48-50)

After this, Amanda makes perfect sense to Opal. Since losing a family member is the root of Opal's sorrow, she feels deeply connected to Amanda. Sometimes, all you have to do is understand what makes someone tick.

Quote #9

"When I told you your mama took everything with her, I forgot one thing, one very important thing she left behind."

"What?" I asked.

"You," he said. "Thank God your mama left me you." (24.38-40)

Dance of joy, everyone! The preacher is back! He was so consumed with his loss that he forgot to notice what he still had. After this point, Opal only refers to him as "daddy." Aw, someone hand us the tissues.