Because of Winn-Dixie Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

It made me sad, him standing on Gloria's porch, his bald head glowing. Dunlap saw me looking, and he raised up his hand and waved to me. I didn't wave back. (23.34)

Why does it make Opal sad to see Dunlap standing on the porch? Does she feel bad about making fun of him? Is she just sad about Winn-Dixie? Is she sad because he's got an alien-shaped head? And if it makes her sad, why doesn't she wave back without being forced to?

Quote #8

"I told you she wasn't a witch."

"I know it," he said. "I knew it all along. I was just teasing you." (26.9-10)

Stupid little boys. Who ever told them that teasing = friendship? And yet we see it all the time—and not just with kids, either. Playful teasing is one way that friends can show they care about each other.

Quote #9

He held out his hand to help me up. And I took it. I let him pull me to my feet. (26.14)

Yeah! Friends at last. Not only is Opal willing to apologize to the pesky boys, she accepts their help. That's humility. And while we're at it, good for Dunlap! There's a right chivalrous young man beneath that bald shiny head.