Belle Prater's Boy Memory and the Past Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"Yeah he was. Here he came riding over Cold Mountain on a black horse one Saturday in January. Big as life. I'll never forget it. Dark and rugged as the hills. Straight he was in the saddle. Nobody in Coal Station ever saw the likes of Amos Leemaster."

Suddenly, without warning, I felt hot tears well up into my eyes, and my chin started to quiver. But Granny wasn't noticing me. She was watching my daddy come riding over Cold Mountain on that long-ago Saturday. (2.30-31)

Amos Leemaster's arrival in town was a big deal for the residents of Coal Station. Even Gypsy's grandmother remembers it like it was yesterday, and she recalls how he changed all of their lives.

Quote #2

"And then what happened?" I asked.

"Oh, the rest is history," Granny said. "It was like fireworks, as they say in the movies, the minute Amos and Love laid eyes on each other." (2.37-38)

Gypsy wants to know more about what happened after her father came into town, and Granny humors her with the abbreviated version. She tells her about how Amos and Love fell in love at first sight.

Quote #3

"I reckon Amos took Gypsy with him nearabout every place he went, didn't he, Gypsy?"

I nodded again.

"You never saw one without the other," Clint went on, determined to wear the subject out. "I never saw a man who loved his young'un more. He was the finest and handsomest man I ever seed. It was a pity what happened to him…" (3.52-54)

Even when people are recounting nice memories about her dad, Gypsy has a hard time listening to them. It just brings up too many painful thoughts and memories for her.