Belle Prater's Boy Sadness Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

My mama, Love Ball Dotson, speech and drama teacher at Coal Station High School and sister to the missing person, was plenty upset. In a Mountain Echo interview she said it wasn't bad enough having your sister disappear like that without a trace, oh no, people had to go running their mouths and making an already tragic situation worse. (1.12)

Aunt Belle's disappearance is hard on the whole family, even Love. The sisters may not have seen each other much over the years, but they still love and worry about each other.

Quote #2

Mama reminded me how privileged I was, how fortunate, and I didn't doubt her word one bit, except when a certain nightmare came to haunt me. Then I couldn't help feeling more plagued than privileged. It had something to do with a dead animal and I would wake up sobbing or screaming. (1.20)

Even though everyone thinks Gypsy is the girl who has everything, she carries a lot of sadness and anger inside of her. After all, she's experienced some pretty tragic events in her young life.

Quote #3

She didn't answer. She wasn't listening. Her face had taken on that hurt look I recognized as belonging to her grief for Daddy. (5.7)

It's been years since Gypsy's father died, but they still don't talk about him much because even mentioning his name opens up emotional wounds. Love and Gypsy are always carrying that hurt in their hearts.