Belle Prater's Boy Exploration Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"Yeah," he said sadly. "That's all I know. She got up at dawn and went outside because she expected something to happen, and nobody ever saw her again.

He closed the book and clutched it to his heart.

"But it's all here," he whispered mysteriously. "The secret is hiding in the lines of this poem." (1.85-87)

Woodrow is convinced that if he just explores his mother's state of mind and the secrets of her favorite poem enough, he'll be able to figure out what happened to her. Maybe he's right and he just has to read between the lines.

Quote #2

"Now I almost admire her for what she did then," Mama said, more to the night than to me. "She was courageous in an odd sort of way. It was like stepping off a familiar and safe place into darkness, not knowing…" (5.39)

Leaving Coal Station to start a completely new life was pretty brave of Aunt Belle. Even if she didn't think it through, she was taking her life fully into her hands and doing what she needed to forget about Amos and Love.

Quote #3

I slept in the soft night with the sounds and smells of spring in my senses, and my dreams were filled with the face of my Aunt Belle. I followed her down through the corridors of bright seasons when she and Mama were girls, through warm summer nights and cold white Christmases, through schoolrooms and parties and autumn in the golden hills she climbed. (5.47)

After hearing all of Granny and Love's stories about Aunt Belle, Gypsy falls asleep and dreams about her aunt. She gets to explore their relationship in a way that she never was able to in real life.