Belle Prater's Boy Appearances Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

What a wonder and a joy to behold in the spring when they all bloomed! There were also azaleas, pink and fuchsia. Not to mention the lilac bushes down by the creek, and the wild dogwood. People walking by our houses would sometimes stop there on the road and look and look, like they couldn't believe their dadburned eyes. (1.19)

Gypsy's street in Coal Station is as pretty as a picture; it's the kind of place that looks straight out of a storybook. In fact, it's so lovely that people have a hard time believing that the people who live there are ever sad or unhappy at all.

Quote #2

Woodrow was gawky and backward and wore hillbilly clothes that were hand-me-downs from his daddy and his daddy's brother, Russell. once, when we were about ten, I saw Woodrow, and his pants were too long and too big in the waist, so he had a rope tied around his middle to keep them up. He sure looked funny that day, and I think he felt self-conscious, too, because it was my birthday and I had on a frilly blue dress and black patent-leather slippers. (1.23)

Woodrow and Gypsy are basically polar opposites when it comes to the way they look—he's a hillbilly and she's a gorgeous future debutante—but despite outward appearances, they find they have a lot in common and are destined to become best friends.

Quote #3

And I'll tell you something else about Woodrow—though I don't really want to—he was cross-eyed. Sometimes you couldn't tell if he was looking at you or not, and he had to wear real thick glasses. (1.24)

Woodrow's most distinctive physical feature is the fact that he's cross-eyed. A lot of people get stuck on this one trait instead of seeing who he really is inside and realizing that he's a smart kid.