Belle Prater's Boy Questions

Bring on the tough stuff - there’s not just one right answer.

  1. Why do you think Gypsy's father is so insistent she grow her hair out long?
  2. Do you believe that Aunt Belle really went into another world? Why or why not?
  3. Why is Gypsy jealous of Woodrow? Why is he jealous of her?
  4. How does Gypsy's life in Coal Station compare with Woodrow's life in Crooked Ridge?
  5. Why does Gypsy hate it when people call her "Beauty"?
  6. How does going on an adventure with Blind Benny and Woodrow help Gypsy heal?
  7. What are Gypsy's nightmares really about?
  8. What happens to Gypsy when she goes to the movies with Porter and Woodrow? Why does the scene with the window upset her?
  9. How are Woodrow and Gypsy in an "in-between place" at the end of the book?