Feathers Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Feathers? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Where does the title of the book come from?

It's a reference to Frannie's pet chicken.
It's from an Emily Dickinson poem.
It's a nod to the feather necklace that Jesus Boy always wears.
It's Frannie's favorite food.
Q. Why does Trevor think that Jesus Boy belongs on the "other" side of the highway?

Because that's where white people live
Because that's where all the hippies
Because it's far away from Trevor
Because that's where the town zoo is, and Trevor is calling Jesus Boy an animal
Q. What is the first language that Frannie learns as a baby?

Pig Latin
American English
American Sign Language
Q. Why don't the girls who hit on Sean stay interested in him?

They think they won't be able to communicate.
He has a really big mole on his face.
They don't want to have to babysit Frannie all the time.
They realize he's a terrible basketball player.
Q. Why doesn't Frannie care about going to the other side of the highway?

She doesn't like white people.
She doesn't want to be arrested for crossing the boundary.
She likes it just fine where she is.
She's too lazy to walk that far.