Leviathan Warfare Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Do not drop your guard until the other man does, Your Highness. Not in time of war." (9.59)

Wise words from Volger, who always gives Alek good advice, even if he wraps it up in an annoying-old-dude-who's-always-right-sandwich. Now if only Alek would listen…

Quote #5

Before Deryn had a chance to wonder what that could mean, she noticed a distant clanging over the roar of the hives.

"Do you hear that, ma'am?" she said.

"The general alarm?" Dr. Barlow nodded sadly. "I'm afraid so. It would appear Britain and Germany are finally at war." (19.56-58)

And now for the moment we've all been waiting for—well, at least some of the Leviathan's crew members have been waiting for it anyway. Sometimes when you're waiting for something bad to happen, you just want to get it over with already.

Quote #6

Deryn felt herself start to shake, unsure whether it was the cold or the shock of battle. She'd been aboard only a month, but this was like watching her family dying, her home burning down in front of her. (20.84)

Here we have a lull in the battle—a battle during which ten German aeroplanes have attacked the Leviathan repeatedly, leaving the airship pretty torn up. The Leviathan is Deryn's home and family, the one place she feels like she's doing what she was meant to do—and seeing that attacked is a big deal.