Missing May Suffering Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I didn't want Cletus to know the pain this caused me, that I wasn't enough to bring Ob to life each day. That it wasn't enough he had me left to still love. (5.17)

Summer's grief is twofold—she's sad that Aunt May has died, and she's sad that Uncle Ob is suffering so much. She just wants him to feel better so that they can work on healing together.

Quote #8

But it was only eleven o'clock in the morning, we had been on this journey only three hours, and already everything was cracked and broken—and some of us with it. (10.30)

The trip started out so well, but when Uncle Ob finds out that the spiritualist medium is dead, everything immediately goes downhill. Even Summer—who was skeptical all along—feels the heaviness of their collective disappointment.

Quote #9

Unlike the happy silence we'd all enjoyed earlier that morning, we suffered instead a black kind of stillness on our route back home. Ob looked awful. I thought he might just pull the car over to the shoulder and die. (10.33)

Well this sounds like the worst road trip ever—even Cletus is having a horrible time. His friends are in a dark cloud of depression, and he doesn't get to go see the capitol building like he so badly wanted to.