Missing May Suffering Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Still, I guess I am grateful for Cletus. He got Ob through an awful Christmas by bringing over a one-thousand-piece jigsaw puzzle of the Great Pyramids. (3.26)

Cletus may be a weirdo, but he's there to make sure that Uncle Ob and Summer don't fall completely into a dark pit of despair. He even stops by on Christmas to bring them some holiday cheer.

Quote #5

Ob's smile then slowly disappeared, and he wiped a hand across his eyes. In an instant, he looked more tired than I'd ever seen him, and my heart sank. (4.55)

Uncle Ob just isn't doing well following Aunt May's death. Even though it's been six months, he doesn't seem to be getting better. In fact, he just seems more tired and sad.

Quote #6

All Ob and me wanted to do when we lost May was hold on to each other and wail in that trailer for days and days. But we never got the chance, because just like there are certain ways people expect you to get married, or go to church, or raise kids, there are certain ways people expect you to grieve. (5.8)

They may just want to cry their eyes out like hysterical cartoon characters, but Uncle Ob and Summer don't get to do any of that. Instead there's all this business that they have to take care of after Aunt May dies.