Missing May The Supernatural Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"'The Reverend Miriam B. Young: Small Medium at Large.' Don't you just love that? [...] Anyway, some call her the Bat Lady because she keeps bats as pets. Others call her the White Lady because she only wears white." (7.6)

Even though we never get to see Miriam B. Young in the book, we think that if there were a movie adaptation, this would be the kind of role that Helena Bonham Carter would be naturally suited for. She's just so witchy.

Quote #8

Turned back and in a quiet voice said to the man, "I was hoping she could help me contact my wife. I needed to talk to my wife." (10.15)

Oh no—Uncle Ob's dreams are all dashed. He came all this way to talk to Aunt May and all he's got to show for it is an empty gas tank and a couple of disappointed and worried kids.

Quote #9

We all let out a little gasp. The wings were so completely silent and we so unprepared. But the moon was bright and the shadow of those wings so real, and before we could find our voices, before I could call out, "Wait!" the owl had flown off into the night. (11.18)

They should have known that if Aunt May was really going to show herself to them, she'd do so on her own turf. After driving all that way and back home, Uncle Ob and Summer finally get a little sign from their beloved May.