Repossessed Chapter 2 Summary

  • Whatever you do, don't call Kiriel a demon—he really prefers the term Fallen angel.
  • It's what he is, after all, since he used to be an angel in heaven, but then he and a bunch of other angels questioned some stuff about God and got kicked out of town.
  • Now, only the Unfallen know God; Kiriel and his buddies down below don't talk to the Creator.
  • He heads to Shaun's house, excited to check out his new body. Shaun's no body builder or anything, but Kiriel's never had a body before, so he's pretty intrigued.
  • Shaun's parents are divorced, so he figures he won't be supervised much—this is one of the reasons he chose Shaun in the first place.
  • As he goes inside, he thinks about how souls don't really have check-out dates in hell. Sure, one finally goes free after a long time (read: multiple millenniums) of suffering, but that's rare. Usually, once you're in hell, you're in for the long haul. Kiriel doesn't really do anything to the souls once they're in hell—he just oversees to make sure they are suffering enough. Some job.
  • Kiriel goes inside the house and sees Shaun's cat, Peanut. The cat runs away from him, and Kiriel wonders whether the cat somehow knows that he isn't really Shaun. Uh-oh…
  • He sees Shaun's little brother, Jason, playing video games and immediately greets him with a "hey, jerkwad" since that's what Shaun always calls him.
  • The two brothers don't really get along, though Kiriel isn't exactly sure why.
  • He goes into Shaun's room and looks around at the mess. Still excited to smell absorb everything, Kiriel picks up a shirt and tastes it. Eww…
  • Jason catches him doing this and mocks him for making out with his dirty laundry. Kiriel tells him to scram, and shuts the door.