Repossessed Setting

Where It All Goes Down

Modern Day Suburbia

Bust out the argyle sweaters and polo shirts, because we head to suburbia in Repossessed. Kiriel is hell-bent (get it?) on living the normal life of the American teenager. Where better to experience barbecues, homework, and video games than in the 'burbs of America? As he explores his new home, he says, "I watched one squirrel chasing another in the yard across the street; at first it looked like they were playing, but after some observation I decided it was a territorial dispute and that one was trying to bite the other's balls off" (8.7). Well then.

To us, this isn't news. Squirrels chase each other—big deal. But to Kiriel, everything about his new life is new and exciting. He's never seen anything before, so the mundane life of the average family is exactly what he wants to experience. And as readers, this means that our mundane lives get blown open, rendered exciting and interesting as we watch Kiriel's mind get blown