Repossessed Theme of Dissatisfaction

For anyone who's ever belted out a rendition of "I Can't Get No Satisfaction," Repossessed is a book for you. Kiriel is completely dissatisfied by his life as a Fallen angel. He's sick of seeing people in pain and doing nothing about it; he doesn't think it's fair. Plus, he didn't do anything to deserve his terrible job in hell (or so he thinks). In short, he's one super dissatisfied dude. But when he gets to earth, he gets the chance to do something helpful for a change and make some peace with his lot in hell. And you know what? Though his stay is brief above ground, we think it totally soothes him.

Questions About Dissatisfaction

  1. What is most dissatisfying about Kiriel's life? By the end, does he have a different perspective? Use the text to support your arguments.
  2. Is Kiriel's job or attitude to blame for his dissatisfaction? Is he ever satisfied? When? How can you tell?
  3. How are the humans in the novel dissatisfied? Do they have reason to be? Is anyone satisfied?
  4. Is dissatisfaction ever a good thing? Why or why not?

Chew on This

Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.

Kiriel's dissatisfaction is based solely on his attitude and not on his circumstances at all.

Once Kiriel lives on earth, he is no longer as dissatisfied with his life as he was before.