Repossessed Theme of Fate and Free Will

For a book that features a Creator—who's totally a shout-out to God or some other singular entity responsible for, er, creating everything—and the Boss, who rules the roost in hell, Repossessed is remarkably interested in free will. Kiriel may spend his working days down below watching people meet their appropriate fates, but his little body snatching shows how some things in the universe are still determined by good old free will. Kiriel makes a whole lot of decisions above ground, and as he does, people's lives change. Luckily for them, his heart's in a good place.

Questions About Fate and Free Will

  1. Does Kiriel have more or less power than humans? Are the Unfallen angels more powerful than he is? Why?
  2. Kiriel tells us that there is free will, but some things are inevitable. What does he mean by this? Is he right? Can you find examples from the text?
  3. Do only humans have free will, or do angels and demons, too? How does Kiriel have more free will as a human?

Chew on This

Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.

Kiriel thinks he is limited by fate, but proves that he can alter his life through free will.

Even though Kiriel has the free will to go to earth, eventually he's told to live out a predetermined existence.