Repossessed Wisdom and Knowledge Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

His thoughts, His ultimate designs are mysteries. Except to—maybe—the Unfallen. I've never been sure about that, because the Unfallen don't hang out with us peons much anymore. I've never really liked those guys. (2.2)

The Creator knows everything. What's worse? Just like one of the know-it-all kids in your class who likes to hold it over everyone, he doesn't let you forget it either. Kiriel gets annoyed feeling like he's missing a piece of the puzzle that the Creator knows but won't share with anyone else.

Quote #2

I already knew what sex was, in great and florid detail, but now I was determined to feel it. First lesson learned: Knowing doesn't hold a candle to doing. (3.23)

Sure, you can read books about stuff or even see it in movies, but it's different when you live through the experience yourself. Kiriel realizes that this whole time, he's thought he's got it figured out, when actually, he knows nothing about what it's like to actually do stuff. This just makes him want to do everything he can.

Quote #3

I opened Shaun's eyes. Yes! I was still here, and Shaun's body was still wrapped around me. What was sleep? Nothingness. Lost time. Only the Creator knew what purpose it served. (6.1)

Again, we hear his beef with the Creator. Notice how it always centers around knowledge? Kiriel is frustrated that he doesn't know as much as the Creator, because he wants to know everything. But he knows an awful lot. He's able to watch Shaun and his family before he joins them, and he's been around for all of history.