Repossessed Life, Consciousness, and Existence Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

The hard part was picking a body. I wanted to keep it simple, start small. Slip into a life that was already taking place. Something with all the synapses in working condition. A body that was carefree, insulated from earthly considerations like hunger; a protected place to try out physical existence. (1.7)

When we think about our lives, we don't usually focus on selecting a body from a crowd—after all, we're stuck with what we've got. For Kiriel, though, selecting the right body is key to making sure he has enough privacy and room to move around. He doesn't want parents cramping his style.

Quote #2

All at once I was in this brand-new, slightly used body. It was a fast-motion fill-up, like pouring myself all at once into a too-tight vessel. I'm not used to boundaries, and to be suddenly constricted—to need to breathe, to have a beginning and an end—gave me a feeling of… well, almost panic. (1.14)

Check out the way he describes the body as if it's a car he's taking for a test drive; he even calls it "slightly used." Kiriel finds his new existence as a human overwhelming at first because he's not used to seeing, smelling, and tasting things, but pretty soon, he loves it.

Quote #3

But after only a short time, I already felt an attachment to this particular body, to this particular life. Good old Shaun; I'd never seen any clue that he appreciated the wonder shining in every one of his moments. (3.25)

Ah, Shaun—we thought he was just Kiriel's ticket to earth, but our Fallen angel starts liking the guy. The fact that he feels anything toward Shaun shows us just how important someone's life can be. To Shaun, life is a mix of pretty ordinary events, but they are all new and exciting for Kiriel.