Slam Chapter 11 Summary

  • Sam tells us that Alicia's parents start trying with him all of a sudden doing stuff like laughing at his jokes and asking him how he's feeling all the time. He knows they're trying to be nice, but it gets old.
  • One day, Alicia announces to her parents that Sam is moving in. Here? is pretty much their response.
  • Her parents think it's a bad idea to rush through the stages of a relationship just because you're pregnant. They remind her of this, too.
  • Suddenly, Sam feels like he needs to skate. He's sick of talking about babies and living arrangements anyway.
  • He goes skateboarding and talks things over with his friends Rubbish. The guy just ate it trying to do a trick on his board. Ouch.
  • Sam insists he'd rather be Rubbish right now. No, really. He has a baby on the way and is so confused—a couple of broken bones from falling off a board are much easier to deal with than the mess he's in.
  • When Sam gets home, his mom gives him the third degree about moving in with Alicia. She doesn't understand why he has to live with them and not just visit all the time.
  • Huh? Isn't she the one who was always complaining about how his dad never did enough? Now the tables have turned, and Sam's mom wants him to back out of his commitment to his baby. He can't believe what he's hearing.
  • It's not like that, though. She explains that he should be there for his baby but that doesn't mean sticking by Alicia all the time—there's a big difference.
  • He talks things over with TH in bed that night. Unsurprisingly, the guy has little to say on the matter.
  • Sam thinks TH is mad at him for being an idiot, and then he drifts off to sleep.