Slam Religion Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Here's the thing. I know it sounds stupid, and I'm not this sort of person usually, honest. I mean, I don't believe in, you know, ghosts or reincarnation or any weird stuff at all. But this, it was just something that started happening, and… Anyway. I'll just say it, and you can think what you want. I talk to Tony Hawk, and Tony Hawk talks back. (1.7)

Right away, Sam gives us the skinny on his religious beliefs. We'd like to point out that he is interested in the supernatural and religion, even if he doesn't know which one yet. The fact that he tells us his beliefs upfront shows us that he's in a stage of life where he's considering what he wants to believe.

Quote #2

Does this sound mad to you? It probably does, but I don't care, really. Who doesn't talk to someone in their heads? Who doesn't talk to God, or a pet, or someone they love who has died, or maybe just to themselves? (1.24)

Here it is, Shmoopers, the reason Sam talks to Tony Hawk. To him, it's almost like a religion. No, he doesn't believe Tony is a god, but he kind of treats him that way. He thinks Tony can transport him through time and give him advice when he needs it. Hmm… sounds kind of like prayer.

Quote #3

"If it's OK, I'll never skate again." As if it had anything to do with skating. I offered never to watch TV again, and never to go out again, and never to eat McDonald's again. Sex never came up, because I already knew I was never going to have sex again, so that didn't seem like a deal God would be interested in. (5.29)

Trying to make a deal with God, Sam starts promising stuff if in exchange for Alicia not being pregnant. Even though Sam isn't sure he even believes in God, he starts bargaining when things go south. Slam asks us to think about the ways people use religion.