Slam Chapter 13 Summary

  • Back in the present, Sam tells us that one day, he hurts himself skateboarding at the Bowl.
  • It's not his fault, of course. Rabbit is asleep in the middle of the Bowl, and Sam trips over him and falls off.
  • He hurts his wrist pretty badly, even though it's not broken.
  • Sam's mom points out that he has to give up skateboarding anyway now that he's about to become a dad. It's too dangerous for him to do.
  • Before long, Mark moves in. Sam knows his mom will be pregnant soon, and he starts to notice her skipping wine or up-chucking in the bathroom.
  • Mark tries to hide it for a while, but pretty soon, they share the news with Sam.
  • Sam and his mom have a chuckle together since they are both having unplanned pregnancies at the same time. Things change between them after that; she's no longer his mom, but a friend in some ways. It's funny how a baby can change everything.
  • Thinking about the future, Sam tells us that there are two possible scenarios.
  • The first future is the one he was taken to where everything remains the same as he saw. Then there's the second future, which will actually happen in a few months. That one he can still change, and he wants to make some improvements.
  • Sam and Alicia take their exams at school, and Sam scores much higher than Alicia.
  • Of course, Andrea blames Alicia's pregnancy for this and thinks it's unfair that it didn't take a toll on Sam in quite the same way.
  • Sam doesn't mention that Alicia was never interested in college anyway.