Slam Chapter 9 Summary

  • For a couple days, Sam manages to escape the world. It helps that his phone is in the bottom of the ocean.
  • One day, though, Alicia shows up on his front door, crying.
  • She's confused, emotional, and upset. Why did he run away? How come he hasn't called her? Doesn't he want to know if they are going to have a baby?
  • He tries to comfort Alicia, but it doesn't do much good. She is pregnant, but she hasn't told her parents yet. She was hoping he'd do that with her.
  • Yikes. Not only did Sam not get out of any of his problems by dashing off to Hastings, he has to deal with bigger problems than he thought. He's sure Alicia's parents will blame him for the whole thing.
  • Alicia is ticked off at Sam for not stepping up the plate. She says it's typical of a boy, and drops an f-bomb, which really gets to Sam.
  • Why is it his fault how other boys act? He thinks.
  • Sam makes them some tea and they calm down. Alicia wants to tell her parents right away, even though Sam wants to wait.
  • She asks him to come over the next day after school, and he agrees to it.
  • Before she leaves, Alicia tells Sam that she knows he's sick of her, but she's glad that he's the father if anybody has to be. Gee, thanks.
  • After she leaves, Sam's mom gets home and announces they are going to the therapist with his dad.
  • The three of them head there and talk over Sam's issues. Of course Sam's dad thinks the whole thing is a load of rubbish—they split up a decade ago; he can't still be having problems about it now.
  • Next up, Sam's dad picks on the counselor's Spanish accent, which doesn't get them anywhere. Sam ends up staring at his shoes for most of the session.
  • Afterward, the three of them go out to a curry dinner. His mom insists on talking about the session, even though Sam doesn't want to.
  • Sam's dad is pretty sure his son is just faking this divorce crisis because of a girl problem (and we know he's right). Sam's mom thinks this is unfair to bring up.
  • It's good these two are divorced since they literally fight every time they are near one another. Sam ends up just rolling his eyes and keeping quiet.
  • While his parents are at each other's throats, Sam contemplates heading back to Hastings.
  • The next day, he meets up with Alicia and heads over to her parents' house.
  • At first, they hide out in her room until both of her parents get home.
  • When they finally go downstairs, they tell her parents they are having a baby.
  • Alicia's parents flip out—and mainly at Sam. Andrea blames him for knocking Alicia up and wonders whether it was part of some plan to keep Alicia from getting away. Um, okay.
  • Robert points out that his mom got pregnant around the same time with him. Like mother, like son.
  • When they ask what Sam's mom thinks of the pregnancy, Sam and Alicia admit they haven't told her yet.
  • For whatever reason, Andrea and Robert want to be there when Sam tells his mom so they insist on going with him to his house.
  • When they get there, Sam's mom is in her robe and a little taken aback. Mark's there and it seems like they were in the middle of something (wink, wink).
  • Andrea makes the announcement that Alicia's pregnant with Sam's baby.
  • Sam's mom is shocked. She can't believe Sam would do this.
  • She's still trying to process all this information when Andrea brings up abortion, noting that it's not too late for Alicia to consider her options.
  • Right away, Alicia shuts this down; she's read it's already a baby and doesn't want to get rid of it.
  • That doesn't stop Andrea from trying to encourage an abortion anyway.
  • Before long, Robert and Sam's mom get in an argument over nothing since emotions are running high. Luckily, Alicia gets her dad to cool it, and they leave a little while later.
  • When Sam and his mom are alone, she asks if they are unlucky or stupid. She's not angry at him, but she also didn't expect this.
  • They talk about his plans for a while, and it's clear he wants everything to remain normal. Or as normal as possible, anyway.