Slam Quotes

Find the perfect quote to float your boat. Shmoop breaks down key quotations from Slam.

Time Quotes

That's just how it is. You can't rewrite history, or leave bits of it out just because it suits you. (1.11)

Love Quotes

She seemed older than me, which I decided was because she spent a lot of time dealing with boys who fell in love with her in two seconds flat. (2.53)

Family Quotes

I'd never had the feeling before, and I haven't really had it since. I don't mean to say that I'd been unhappy. It was more that there had always been something wrong before, somewhere—something...

Choices Quotes

There are no prizes for guessing the mistake my thirty-two-year-old mother made, and the same goes for my thirty-three-year-old father. My mum's dad made the mistake of thinking he was going to be...

Social Class Quotes

Sometimes it can seem as though kids always do better than their parents. You know—someone's dad was a coal miner, or whatever, but his son goes on to play for a Premiership team, or wins Pop Ido...

Dreams, Hopes, and Plans Quotes

I'd always hoped it would all be a bit more planned than that. I'd always hoped that we might have talked about it beforehand, so that when it happened we were both prepared for it, and it would be...

Religion Quotes

Here's the thing. I know it sounds stupid, and I'm not this sort of person usually, honest. I mean, I don't believe in, you know, ghosts or reincarnation or any weird stuff at all. But this, it was...

The Home Quotes

When I thought about the future, and what it was going to be like, that's what I saw for myself: a house with loads of bedrooms. I didn't know what I was going to do with them, because I wanted to...