Tears of a Tiger Chapter 14 Summary

Ferocious Frustration

  • Back at the psychologist's office, Andy tells the doc that his grades are slipping big time at school.
  • His parents yell at him and want him to think about college, but he doesn't really care—he's lost his motivation in a pretty major way after everything that's happened.
  • Andy admits that he doesn't have it as bad as his buddy Gerald, though, whose dad hits him, but his parents still don't get him either.
  • The shrink points out that Andy should talk to his parents about his feelings, but then again, of course he'd say that since he's a shrink.
  • Andy knows that all his parents do is lecture him all the time—they never actually talk to him, just yell.
  • His shrink asks if there anyone at school that Andy can talk to, like a counselor, and Andy says there is—he even went once and talked about graduation requirements, but when he said he wanted to go into law, the counselor thought it was a bad idea and suggested Andy teach gym instead.
  • Andy thinks it's because he's black. He knows that's why teachers don't call on him in class, or are surprised when he does well on a test of something.
  • He's sick of them expecting him to fail all the time—they don't treat the white kids like that.
  • Andy admits that he only cares about grades to get his parents off his back, but he feels like when he tries to do well in school, no one takes him seriously.
  • The doc says they should get together after Christmas and talk about how the holidays were.
  • Andy agrees, especially because he has to go anyway to meet up with Keisha at the mall and go Christmas shopping.