Tears of a Tiger Chapter 25 Summary

Learning to Live

  • Andy tells the psychologist that he mailed the letter to Rob's parents; he didn't have the nerve to give it to them in person, but he wanted them to have it.
  • Rob's mom came by Andy's house and gave him a big hug afterward. She said she loved the letter and she forgives him—she knows he'd never purposely hurt Rob.
  • Rob's dad didn't come over, but he forgives Andy, too. He's having a harder time with it, but he'll get there.
  • The doc asks if Andy is still having any bad dreams, and he says no, and then explains that while he still feels guilty, he's learning to live with it.
  • Even though Andy still has some issues to work through, his doc thinks it's okay to stop therapy, so long as Andy comes back if he starts feeling bad again.
  • Plus, Andy knows he can call the doc anytime, day or night.