Tears of a Tiger Isolation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

And I always have to make up a reason about how I hurt myself. When Andy came back to school after the accident, he was wearing a bunch of Band-Aids. At least it took the attention away from me for a while. (9.4)

Gerald feels isolated protecting his secret—that his stepdad beats him. He doesn't want to hide it any longer, but he knows there'll be tough times ahead if he opens up about it. Plus, no one gets what he goes through. Sure, his buddies try to help out, but they don't really know how.

Quote #2

"He's been real moody lately, Coach. Sometimes he just likes to be alone. He don't talk to us like he used to." (10.4)

Andy's friends tell the coach that he's been pushing them away ever since the night of the accident. Andy might feel like no one cares about him when he commits suicide, but in reality, he isolates himself from his closest friends.

Quote #3

"It's hard for us to understand why things like this happen, and I think you're doing a remarkable job of handling a very rough situation. You came back to the team, you're playing well—and we all support you. You know that. Actually, you are the glue that's holding the team together. Without you, we'd all fall apart." (10.31)

Coach Ripley tells Andy not to blame himself for everything that's happened. Instead, he encourages him to be a part of the community of the team. The opposite of isolation is definitely being on a team and working together, which is what the coach wants for Andy.