Tears of a Tiger Mortality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

There's some stuff I don't understand about this accident—like why it happened and why Robbie had to die and why I didn't die. Mama keeps huggin' me, sayin', "Praise the Lord" and stuff like that. But what about Robbie's mama? What is she saying? (5.1)

B.J.'s prayer says it all: His mom is grateful that B.J. is alive, but Robbie's mom doesn't get to be thankful. He realizes that even though the accident was a miracle for him, it was awful for Robbie's family since he died.

Quote #2

Last week I learned that kids my age could die. That was the most frightening experience I ever had. A boy that I knew real well, that sat next to me in study hall, died in a car crash. (6.1)

Rhonda's essay assignment asks her about her most terrifying moment, and not surprisingly, it is about the accident. We see that she's torn up about Robbie's death, as well as about the idea that anyone her age can die.

Quote #3

In addition, we have family and friends that care about us and we have the hope of a bright future. And, because we have learned that death is close by and can touch us, we must give thanks for the simplest and greatest blessing of all—life. (6.16)

In the school newspaper, the students are reminded to be thankful, especially since it's Thanksgiving. We'd like to point out that high school students aren't usually thinking about the value of life, but when one of their own dies, they are forced to suddenly.