Tears of a Tiger Chapter 43 Summary

Anger and Pain

  • Andy's friends give the letter thing a shot, writing to Andy as though he can read what they have to say.
  • Tyrone tells his friend that he could deal with Robbie's death because as sad as it was, it was an accident. Andy did this on purpose, though, and Tyrone just doesn't get how he could do such a thing.
  • Now Andy will miss all the cool stuff that happens in their lives, and nothing can change this.
  • Gerald writes that suicide is a coward's way out—he guesses Andy didn't have much courage, because otherwise he never would have blown his brains out.
  • Some kid named Marcus from Andy's English class writes that even though they didn't know each other very well, he envied Andy back in the day. Now he knows that was just a lie.
  • Rhonda gets angry in her letter. She's ticked that Andy would do this to them, especially to his mom and his brother. She was there when his mom found the body and could see the blood on the ceiling—she'll never forget that, and her pain won't go away either.
  • Finally, Keisha's letter tells Andy that she can't believe he's dead. She doesn't understand it and hopes he's not in hell, even though he killed himself. She wants to believe God is forgiving and will let him into heaven, but she's not sure.