Tears of a Tiger Chapter 22 Summary

A Letter of Remembered Joy

  • Andy takes his psychologist's advice and writes a letter to Robbie's parents. He wishes he could say sorry enough times to make a difference, but he knows he can't; nothing can change what happened that night.
  • Instead of just apologizing (again), Andy writes down some fun memories that he has about Robbie.
  • Like going for ice cream after b-ball practice, even though Robbie's mom would say she wasn't going to stop for it, or playing basketball with socks in Rob's bedroom and going to the dance with their dates in Robbie's family station wagon.
  • There's also the time they went backward through the drive through at McDonalds, and the time they both got chicken pox.
  • Basically, Andy just wants Robbie's parents to know how much he misses their son, and to share with them some of the good times they had together.
  • These memories will never fade, no matter what.